A Tweak Here, A Tweak There. Alright!

Odufa Agba
3 min readJun 10, 2021


The human mind is such a delight to explore. Our decisions, beliefs, actions, thoughts and where they all stem from are definitely a wonder, to some. We can’t rope in everyone, bind them with one cord and say “Hear ye, hear ye. Henceforth, you’re all to like and dislike the same things.” It would be a huge bore, if we’re being honest. So yeah, the human mind is fascinating, and human beings, well not so much.

In my fairy godmother goodness, I’ll, as usual, wave my wand and demystify a construct you might have once thought about. Know though that I don’t grant any kind of shoe wishes. Krystal does that, so go to her.

Moving ahead, have you ever stopped to wonder what factors or drivers influenced your past decisions, current choices and future aspirations? Maybe not in this format but the question remains. Yes? Philosopher aye! Well, this thought came to mind one evening while I was looking out the window, thinking about the dreams of a child growing up in my neighborhood.

How far can you dream? As far as the eyes can see. How far can the eyes see? As far as you can think. How far can you think? Well, my brain has stopped.

So this type of sight definitely has influences. Wow Odufa, what a good way to bring up the obvious. And because of your decision we are more enlightened. Just wow.

I’ll ask you two questions and sincerely implore you to respond. There are no right or wrong answers, just uniform 5 marks.

· What do you think influences your decisions, choices and aspirations?

· What are three of your current choices and future aspirations?

You need to pass your answers forward, better still, you can send them as a message to me.
I’ve come to the conclusion that these influences are of two types - external and internal influences. Some bold, some subtle. The environment around you, what you see and hear everyday, what you choose to believe in. Now you have the floor to argue with me, this class does favor contrarian opinions.

The era we are in, our geographic location, whatever access we have, people we interact with, activities going on around us, what we hear and learn, our mindsets and beliefs, technological advancement, current career; these influences play their roles in our choices and aspirations.
I also put it to you that these influences determine how far the eyes can see. They illuminate or impair sight. Nigeria will not impair my(our) sight in Jesus name, Amen.

What do I do with this information, Odufa?
I suggest we tweak things we can actively act upon because these conscious efforts affect us subconsciously and unconsciously. Pick out influences you can tweak like your mindset, living space, how you interact, and go on to watch how your choices and aspirations change. These might not be huge changes but the wrapper doesn’t form without threads. Wisdom! Wisdom!!

Two last but very important notes. First, I hope you understand what you’ve just read. If you don’t, call me and we’ll do some more pondering together, Pinky and the Brain style. Second, my suggestions are what they are, SUGGESTIONS. I’ve decided to speak more slowly and softly so don’t come around for a shout off. The energy on ground is to reduce yelling and screaming.
Take good care of yourself, physically and mentally. Nigeria (UAR) will try to sap the joy out of you but don’t let that happen. Adios people and enjoy the beautiful month that is June.

Ps, if you don’t have money to get the wooden tables in the pictures but you want it tho, ring me so we’ll buy kpako and do arts and crafts together, yeah? Okay.



Odufa Agba

Product Designer. UX Designer. Behavioral Design. Nigerian.